Social Media Challenges

Tackling the Rising Challenges in the Social Media Landscape

Staying ahead in the Social Media world means not just keeping up with platform updates but also understanding the deeper challenges and opportunities they bring. For social media managers, each new day is an uncharted territory with platforms birthing new trends, algorithms evolving, and tools of engagement shifting their form.

It’s pertinent for those at the helm of a brand’s online presence to re-evaluate their strategies and techniques. We’ll explore the nascent hurdles diversely colored by the rise of TikTok, the implications of Artificial Intelligence, the dichotomy of bots, and the mystery encapsulating Facebook‘s perpetual transformation.

TikTok: Riding the Wave of Viral Content

TikTok, once the underdog, is now the epitome of viral content creation. Its Zeitgeist is marked by short, snappy videos that entertain and often educate. This format has seen unparalleled success not just in user growth but also in setting the tempo for cultural trends.

For social media managers, TikTok symbolizes a dual challenge. First, it’s about mastering a new medium—understanding the pulse of content that resonates with the younger demographic that dominantly populates the platform and learning its algorithmic nuances that often seem shrouded in mystery. Second, while surfing the waves of viral trends can give a considerable boost to brand visibility, it’s equally important to maintain the balance of being authentic and not just ‘another’ brand hopping on a trend.

Companies find themselves in a new struggle, adapting their traditional marketing messages into the language of TikTok—often without alienating their core brand identity. The ephemeral and exploratory nature of TikTok trends means that for every ‘hit’, many campaigns may ‘miss’. The inherent risk poses a puzzle that social media managers must solve strategically—spending time deciphering the algorithm’s behavior or focusing on creating content that genuinely adds value.

Read our blog ‘Is your business on TikTok? You need moderation- TODAY!’ to learn more about challenges businesses face and how Online Moderation can help you make TikTok your #1 marketing tool.


AI: A Double-Edged Sword in the Social Realm

Artificial Intelligence is redefining the landscape of social media with its data-crunching capabilities. It’s a pivotal tool for customer service, sentiment analysis, and content moderation. However, its introduction doesn’t come without its set of challenges. AI’s power is marred by its inability to fully comprehend nuances—be it in language or cultural context.

When it comes to moderation, AI can be a blunt surgeon, excising content with surgical precision or causing collateral damage. The infamous content ‘take downs’ or false-positive flagging of content are outcomes that in turn can erode user trust and create PR nightmares.

For social media managers, the conundrum is how to harness AI’s benefits while minimizing its risks. The ideal strategy is to deploy it as a tool for the initial sift through content, followed by human oversight to catch AI’s missed marks and ensure that the brand’s voice and values are consistently represented. To learn more about this strategy, read our blog on why human moderation is still needed in the age of AI and technology.


The Bot Conundrum: Sorting the Malicious from the Legitimate

Automation through bots can be a boon for social media managers, enhancing the efficiency of customer service or content dissemination. However, with the good often comes the bad. The presence of malicious bots, designed to spread misinformation or spam, highlights the darker side of automation.

Distinguishing between the two, especially when bots are becoming increasingly sophisticated, is a task that’s always one step ahead. Social media managers must have in place robust detection systems, learning and adapting as quickly as the bots they confront. For all their subtleties, these systems must not fall into the pit of false positives, punishing legitimate bots or users.

The ongoing challenge is not just identification but also understanding the tactics and strategies bots employ. It requires a continuous arms race of sorts, a relentless pursuit of staying ahead in the game and ensuring a brand’s social media channels remain genuine and trustworthy.


Facebook’s Shape-Shifting Nature: The Unpredictable Platform

Facebook, the behemoth of social media, wields a power that influences policy changes and algorithm updates that dictate how content is seen. The platform’s constantly shifting sands present a unique kind of challenge—predicting the unpredictable.

For social media managers, these constant changes are disruptive at best and catastrophic at worst. The reworking of algorithms can render months of strategic content out of sync overnight. The introduction of new features can be an exciting opportunity to innovate or a headache requiring quick adaptation.

The pace at which Facebook evolves necessitates a proactive rather than a reactive stance. Social media managers must be agile, ready to pivot strategies at a moment’s notice while keeping an eye on the trending attributes of the platform. This requires not just an awareness of the changes but an understanding of the underlying reasonings and potentials.

Navigating the social media landscape is akin to a high-stakes chess game—managers are the players, platforms are the board, and each update is a new move. It calls for strategic thinking, quick decision-making, and the ability to learn and adapt as the game progresses.

The emerging challenges in social media management are not just trends to be followed but complexities to be unraveled. They demand disciplines that range from understanding cultural shifts to fostering interdisciplinary collaboration. In this volatile digital environment, the social media manager’s role has evolved from a mere facilitator to a pioneer—charting the course of a brand through uncharted territories where the map is eternally redrawn.


If you want to learn more or are in need for help with any of these challenges, please feel free to reach out to one of our social media expert at Online Moderation!