Facebook Adds AI to Suicide Prevention Arsenal

Facebook Adds AI to Suicide Prevention Arsenal

More than ten years ago, I complimented Facebook for encouraging its members to send in a report if they saw a post by a member or friend saying they were serious about harming themselves.  If a report was received, Facebook contacted the member with a message of concern, along with a list of resources for getting support.

Recently, Facebook announced updated resource tools, as well as the use of artificial technology (AI), to offer a more rapid assist to those who may be contemplating suicide.  In addition to an improved support system that is now available on Facebook Live, text and videos are analyzed for content indicating that the member may be considering suicide.

If the software reads triggering words and phrases that indicate a member is at risk, the Facebook Community Operations team is notified.  They will send a message of support and suggest ways the member can seek help if they need it.

Have we seen the last suicide on Facebook Live?  Probably not, but instead of using AI to combat online trolling behavior (i.e. Google’s Perspective), saving lives is a much more real-world and effective use of the technology.